
Frisson front coverThis is a corebook for games in the genre of ‘horror‑suspense’ — focused on the atmospheric and unsettling, like the ghost stories of MR James and the strange investigations of the Carnacki stories. You can use it for other horror gaming too.

There are two main parts inside.

  • A simple, elegant set of rules for making characters and resolving situations. They’re based around a slightly different way to use two d10s, with other dice helping or hindering.
  • Guidance for running the game, from planning stories to using description to create atmosphere.

Characters are ordinary people, though perhaps highly skilled, facing the Outside: threats beyond normal experience that intrude into human lives. You can decide what that is for your game’s stories.

What’s that behind you?

~ Check it out here.


Edition note. Currently in prototype edition – a polished book ready to play, that hasn’t yet had playtesting and amendments. It’ll be available in print at some point.

Here’s a sample character:

Frisson sample character

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